What can I expect when I place an order with ‘ Vaishnav Fastners ’ ?
Each customer’s order will be handled by dedicated sales representative. This representative will ensure that your order is place correctly with desired of clarifications and made to customer’s satisfaction and dispatched to the customer’s destination. Please see Purchase Guidelines before placing orders.
What non-standard products do you offer?
We are known for non – standard products and we are capable of developing non - standard products as per your requirements with the help of are R & D teem & skilled experienced toolmakers.
When I make a product inquiry, how long does it take to receive a Quotation?
All standard products quotation will be given within 24 hours and non-standard products quotation will be answered within 4 working days (subject to any product clarifications required)
What are the different types of material?
We manufacture are products from famous and non-femous both. We are currently manufacturing are products from M.S low carbon, medium carbon, High carbon, Alley steel P.B., Brass, Copper and S.S
If I demand samples whether they are free?
If the enquired product is readily available we provide free samples for bulk enquiries otherwise its chargeable based on design of the product.
Do you stock?
We are manufacturers and mainly make to order. We do, however stock some standard sizes of screws. Please contact us for details.
What is your minimum quantity for manufacturing?
We generally take orders for in excess of 25000 Nos subject to availability of Raw material.